
James' Magical Adventure Pt EX 1 by Drew120 viewsWarning : Randomly jumping down every hole you come across may be hazardous to your health.

Search for an Angel by Drew123 viewsThings aren't quite finished yet! We're now following Momo's ending, and here's the title for it.

Search for an Angel Pt 1 by Drew118 viewsWith a seeming bit of revalation, this sub-arc seems to be forcing Momo to realize something, but what is it?

Search for an Angel Pt 2 by Drew123 viewsThe battle is not yet over. Which will prevail? Light or Dark?

Search for an Angel Pt 3 by Drew119 viewsA valiant attack, but it seems this dark mirror isn't going down so easily.

Search for an Angel Pt 4 by Drew127 viewsHaving that metal wire and grating forcefully attach itself like that can't be comfortable, but I'd be wary of thinking he weakened himself...

James' Magical Apology by Drew121 viewsEvidently Drew meant to have more parts of JMA ready for this week, but alas, left them elsewhere.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 28 by Drew125 views......There are some things no one should ever have to experience.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 29 by Drew117 viewsUgh, that freaking face box puzzle... You can KIND of look around in the room to see where openings are, but as always, the camera is not your friend.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 25 by Drew126 viewsYou know, if only the elevator was really that fast...

James' Magical Adventure Pt 26 by Drew120 viewsAh, the Prison. Such a huge map, but such a short area... The Labyrinth, on the other hand...

James' Magical Adventure Pt 27 by Drew126 viewsAfter a bit of a clumsy entrance from Pyramid Head, it seems he's lost his knife to our heroes.