Quick Man by Ace-heart920 viewsBelieve it, Quick Man. On the bright side, I don't have a reason to try to do it again, meaning you're keeping any AI weakness you might have well hidden.
Happy Halloween by Ace-heart638 viewsVan Pookin is all well and good, but.... is it just me, or did Ace go all Eversion on us?
The Yarn was Cut by Ace-heart680 viewsCut Man does seem like he'd be a fearsome opponent in a land of yarn... ^_^;
Pokemon and Robot Masters by Ace-heart757 viewsThe legendary bug there with Napalm Man works surprisingly well as a comparison XD That fighting type at the end still creeps me out though XD That one's going to take awhile to grow on me X)
Quick Man is Insane by Ace-heart778 views...I'm pretty sure we all knew that much. That or he's high on crack cocaine.
Heaven by Ace-heart706 views......Oooooh....... um....... right, I'll get back to this later...
I Was Wrong by Ace-heart645 viewsIt's hard to tell where a joke will go sometimes.
Cirno IS The Strongest by Ace-heart653 viewsHmm... One Cirno by herself isn't so bad... but if she can copy herself now... though I get the feeling an army of Cirno could possibly dealt with simply by asking which Cirno is the stronest...
WTH by Ace-heart680 views........That is trippy.... I cannot look away. This is one reason I like Touhou, very entrancing, trippy bullet patterns.
Sweet Lightning Revenge by Ace-heart696 viewsIf you want revenge, lightning from on high is a good way of getting it.
Tsutarja Ace by Ace-heart540 viewsIt looks like the fifth gen grass starter might just have an affinity for the resident flower artist!
Stupid Pokemon Ideas 2 by Ace-heart733 viewsIn actuality, I quite like that one and can't wait to get one ^_^;