Crystal Man is Nice by Ace-heart745 views.....Ooh...... shiny...... so shiiiiiiiiny.......... where was I?
Wily is Evil by Ace-heart755 viewsCrystal Man, you can always come work for me. I'd just want some shinies to keep around my lair for intrinsic value. They're too pretty to sell.
X is Angry by Ace-heart832 viewsHmm... So Quick Man is friends with ass1h... And Toad Man is delivering a huge shiny! I am intrigued... Oh yeah, and something about X.
She Loves Ice Man by Ace-heart729 viewsHmm, someone else is after Ice Man? It doesn't look like he's impressed by her advances ^_^;
RAGE by Ace-heart672 viewsA bit of a long story behind this one. One of my videos had a false copyright claim brought against it, and as it was my featured video, a message was displayed in its place, saying the video was removed due to claims from Matthew Metras. As it turned out, however, the REAL Matthew Metras did not make the claim. Rather, it was someone using his name in an attempt to make him look bad, someone who has trolled my account with many different names. This pic was made before that revelation.
Ben Woodman by Ace-heart690 viewsI haven't played the games, but I'm guessing this is an Ace Attorney reference of some sort?
That Ice Man is a by Ace-heart758 viewsImpostor! Clearly you are not the cute eskimo we all know and love!
Place Your Bets by Ace-heart704 viewsSometimes, when a fight breaks out, all you can do is sit back, watch.... and take bets.
I Don't Stop This by Ace-heart635 viewsEvidently, ass1h does not wish to stop poking fun at X... and with these images, it's all too easy.
3D Quick Man by Ace-heart711 viewsSo Quick Man has taken to hiding in that Dot Heroes game? As long as he's not pestering me... ^_^;
Why Is X That Way by Ace-heart808 views...Evidently Dr. Light got rather kooky in those last few days...
Quick Man's Fear by Ace-heart830 viewsDon't worry, Quick Man, I haven't found anything yet...