Quint is Sad by Ace-heart824 viewsDr. Wily at least seems to have some words of comfort for Quint... though I'm not quite sure who these samples of fail are, other than the PC Mega Man...
Congrats by Ace-heart810 viewsI've hit 3000 subs! And it looks like some of my favorite Robot Masters were all invited. That and a bunch of shinies and Mets, can't go wrong with that!
What The by Ace-heart654 views....I must ask myself the same question ^_^; Is this a cosplaying Met, or is Quick Man trying to sneak into the Home for Mets?
Solar Man's Revenge by Ace-heart816 viewsHmm.... So is this what happens when Robot Masters decide THEY want a little REVENGE!!!!?
BFF by Ace-heart701 viewsIt looks like Toad Man has made a new friend! Evidently Shadow Man has frogs to help in in the fighting games.
X's Head by Ace-heart755 viewsSo, just what fills X's head? This seems about right.
Sad Truth by Ace-heart826 viewsEveryone feels bad for Toad Man... But if RIP means Rest In Peace.... what does RIH mean? Roast In Hell? ^_^;
Met Army by Ace-heart709 viewsAh, such a glorious army! And so adorable, too!
Cut Man's Dream by Ace-heart836 viewsOne does have to wonder how Wood Man feels about Cut Man being around...
Elec Attack by Ace-heart799 viewsElec Man's strategy? If all else fails, cheat!
A Big Lie by Ace-heart815 views.....I'm really not this easily bribed.... Maybe a few more and we'll talk..... NO! Must be honest, must be honesssssst.......... nhhhh, so shiiiiiny......
Revenge by Ace-heart914 viewsTime to give Quick Man a bit of sweet danmaku-y revenge. Hopefully that many Proto Man and Bass shots will keep him busy.