
Force Beam'd by RenzokukenLionheart254 viewsSo evidently RenzokukenLionheart found out how Neo does some of his work. Who knew he was so desperate to keep secrets?

Solar Man Iz Spy by RenzokukenLionheart234 viewsPoor Strike Man... Never turn your back on a bitter Robot Master...

Crash Dump by RenzokukenLionheart236 views......Well, at least now I know it's a good thing I didn't save them...

Solar Man is Jealous by RenzokukenLionheart251 viewsSolar Man isn't about to let the fact that Sheep Man outranked him go by...

Solar Man's Interview by RenzokukenLionheart307 viewsPoor Solar Man... It seems he just doesn't quite meet the requirements to get a job as a nightmare...

The Dragon Prod by RenzokukenLionheart220 viewsFor all those wondering what a dragon prod is, now we have a visual design for it, and an advertisement. Please don't buy them o.o;

Robot Master Fancy Dress Party by RenzokukenLionheart244 viewsI'm guessing this is an 8 Bit Theater reference, though admittedly I don't know too much about it... ^_^;

Instant Water Stage by RenzokukenLionheart262 viewsThat seems about right, yes ^_^; Thankfully Lantern Fish haven't shown up anymore yet... ^_^;

Nightmare Jobs by RenzokukenLionheart321 viewsYou can't really blame the Nightmare Bosses. They're just regular guys, working paycheck to paycheck like anyone else.

Team Nightmare by RenzokukenLionheart330 viewsWell, someone did ask for a Team Rocket type theme for the Nightmare Bosses... Nice touch, replacing "right" with Dr. Light wearing a Japanese flag on his coat X)

Ribitta's New Navi by RenzokukenLionheart406 viewsBlast, poor Megaman, he was not expecting divine danmaku.

Oil Man by RenzokukenLionheart206 viewsThere's a lot of controversy as to Oil Man's look. Personally, I rather like how he looks. Yes, the original pallete was perhaps questionable, but a far bigger deal was made out of it than necessary.
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