
Roahm Mythril by martenferret147 viewsA nice bit of tribute art, featuring my favorite Pokemon and the assistance of a dog!

The Dream Team by MartenFerret157 viewsTeamed up with Mega Man and Rush, we'll give Wily's army plenty of trouble! But I hope Captain N doesn't mind me borrowing his zapper...

Roahm Mythril by MartenFerret251 viewsHalf of an art trade I did with MartenFerret. He drew this cool picture of me in a toon style, working on my LP endeavors. Very nice, I love it ;)

Roahm Mythril Cartoon Style by MartenFerret232 viewsSent in by MartenFerret, this is a very cool pic of myself in a more toon style. I don't think I've ever looked quite so cute, I quite like this one ^_^