
Old Dog Man by SammerYoshi163 viewsHere is an old concept drawing of a custom Robot Master, Dog Man.

MMM Behind the Development - Building a Level by SammerYoshi204 viewsHere we can see the maptiles being placed, and the overall layout of the stage being put together. Quite interesting to see this!

MMM Behind the Development - Coding Mega Man by SammerYoshi188 viewsThis looks rather interesting. I wonder exactly what is going on here in this window...

MMM Behind the Development - More Coding by SammerYoshi174 viewsIt's interesting to see the coding that goes into things. Reminds me of my days at Full Sail.

MMM Behind the Development - Graphics by SammerYoshi190 viewsHere we have the graphics editor for the program being used to make a new Mega Man game. Quite interesting to get this behind the scenes look at things.

Mega Man Mania - New Mug Test by SammerYoshi198 viewsThis frame seems to look rather good, quite flashy.

Moon Light Boredom by SammerYoshi145 viewsBoredom seems to be a theme here ^_^;;

In Toilet Man's Stage by SammerYoshi194 viewsSomething about this place looks familiar... like from a kingdom with a fungus obsession...

Lego E Tank by SammerYoshi160 viewsI'd probably blow a lot of time if I had a Lego program to make things like this...

Hard Man Fail by SammerYoshi176 views....That never did look like a comfortable landing...

Fakemon - Dazme by SammerYoshi152 viewsYou know, come to think of it, I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been much of a daisy Pokemon yet...

Fakemon - Crystalee by SammerYoshi160 views........Where do I find one? I want one. It looks like a breed that could have alternate forms that would be different types of gems, and...... um, yeah, that would keep me busy for awhile.