
Emulator EXE by KalmerX160 viewsQuite a stylish gamer, I see elements of quite a few famous series here! He looks like he'd be a fun Navi to have around.

Strike Man Top by KalmerX237 viewsTeamwork, the ultimate Nightmare Boss weapon!

Diler and Beatbox EXE by KalmerX173 viewsHere we have two young and friendly Navis. First there's Beatbox, a music themed Navi who loves rock and hates country (which I can definitely relate to). We also have Diler, evidently a child-like Navi created from leftover data from Croko.

Polarus by KalmerX154 viewsThis is an interesting concept, a custom Stardroid! It does seem odd that they were called Stardroids, yet Sunstar was the only one that was actually named for a star...

Polarus EXE by KalmerX155 viewsHere we have a Navi version of KalmerX's custom Stardroid, Polarus. I love the funky star shades X)

Mega Met 7 by KalmerX172 viewsAnd next, the Met'd cast of MM7. The Slash Met looks fuzzy and pettable X)

Mega Met 8 by KalmerX192 viewsWe now have the cast of MM8 in adorable Met form! The Clown Met looks ridiculously adorable ^_^;

What Mets Do to Jerks that Kill Them by KalmerX215 viewsSurely Mettaurs have to get tired of being picked on all the time... Bottling in all that anger can't be good for them...

Croko EXE by KalmerX185 viewsHere we have KalmerX's own Navi, Croko! Just don't mistake him for an alligator. And he even has a pet Mettaur!

FREEZE by KalmerX209 viewsFreaking McAffe, it's always in the way XD

McAffe by KalmerX160 viewsSo what would happen if McAffe was a Navi? Welllll.... the game would freeze a lot more often for one thing...... you'd get interrupted every time you tried to do something....

Mega Met 9 by KalmerX242 viewsSo what happens when you turn the cast of Mega Man 9 into adorable Mets? Well, here's your answer!