
Not Full of Mets by TPPR10274 viewsCome to think of it, that IS rather strange... Why the non-Met? Didn't you get the memo?

Moosh Poster by TPPR10230 viewsAnother flying bear? They're becoming an epidemic.

Mega Man RPG My Way by TPPR10252 viewsHm..... seems a little too X based for my tastes what with them being in the party AND X enemies being the only ones shown... but to each their own.

Bandit Kid by TPPR10158 viewsSeemingly a younger Robot Master type, here we have Bandit Kid. I imagine a smaller size would make him a swift, tricky opponent.

Bass Objection by TPPR10260 viewsWell, I know they refer to harsh legal decisions as "throwing the book at 'em," but this is ridiculous.

Stop Freezing the Computer - TPPR10303 viewsUh oh... That much going on, yeah, I could see that having a negative effect on your system...

Metal Man and MetalMan EXE by TPPR10301 views...Yeah, don't make fun of someone with a fist bigger than your body.

Frosted Soldiers by TPPR10257 viewsIt's nice to see all the icy Robot Masters together. I wonder if we'll ever have any more?

Re - Series Suing Situations by TPPR10219 views....Sorry, but X still bugs me... We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one ;)

Strike Man vs Enker Pt 2 by TPPR10229 viewsHmm, thus far, it seems a stalemate...

Strike Man vs Enker Pt 3 by TPPR10225 viewsUh oh, methinks Strike Man has made a miscalculation...

Strike Man vs Enker pt 4 by TPPR10231 viewsAnd thus, Enker is the victor! It does seem like he was a tougher fight than Strike Man, granted.
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