
Can You Feel The Heat by TPPR10269 viewsThings are really heating up with so many hot, firey spirited Robot Masters! It even includes entries from the PC games, the Japan only Rockman & Forte Wonderswan game, and a Rockman strategy game that I want to way was only released in China.

Army of Devils by TPPR10284 views...Now there's an endurance run I want no part of...

Berzerk EXE by TPPR10170 viewsHere we have a new Navi. It seems to call to mind some of the sword viruses from later games, I think specifically they were in the Starforce series.

Shadow Man Surprise by TPPR10292 viewsWhen the Shadow strikes... only scrap remains...

String Man by TPPR10177 viewsString might not sound like much, but it could indeed have a fair number of uses.

Random Weakness by TPPR10279 views...I'm not quite sure what Magnet Man is doing here... ^_^;

Random Weakness 2 by TPPR10265 viewsWell.... it does make sense, blocking the sun and all.... X)

Don't Mess With Dragons Pt 1 by TPPR10298 viewsIt looks like Quick Man has something on his mind, and he's ready to rant to anyone willing to listen. Oh look, a nice, draconic passerby is willing to lend an ear!

Don't Mess With Dragons Pt 2 by TPPR10245 viewsAs they say, "Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup." Not that I'd know myself, but I can't speak for Bahamut...

Don't Mess With Dragons Pt 3 by TPPR10279 viewsSomehow, I don't think Bahamut is happy with Quick Man...

Don't Mess With Dragons Pt 4 by TPPR10272 viewsLooks like our speedy little friend has finally noticed something's wrong here...

Don't Mess With Dragons Pt 5 by TPPR10295 views......Well, that's what you get, Quick Man!
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