DEM Secret Hiding Spot by ioddandodd179 viewsHmm... Is someone hiding shinies...?
A Bad Ending by ioddandodd183 views...While I like having my tail, I'm not an evil dragon.
ARG by ioddandodd176 viewsHmm... Someone perhaps prefers the old style of Flandre Flan...
Bass Didn't Want to Get in the Photo by ioddandodd148 viewsI guess Bass wasn't happy with his new clothes... Must not be stylish enough for him.
Business at the Met Home by ioddandodd167 viewsHmm, it looks like there was a miscommunication somewhere around here....
Blue Team Reinforcements by ioddandodd158 viewsIt looks like Team Blue is getting quite a few new additions. Too bad Captain Blue couldn't make it...
Odd's Really Forgetful by ioddandodd151 viewsEvidently, Odd doesn't remember what was being worked on here... ^_^;
He's Killing My Comp Too by ioddandodd138 viewsIt's all Elec Man's fault! All of it!
You Guys by ioddandodd182 viewsHmm... I really don't know what to make of this one... other than I still don't like X... It's not the sexuality of a robot (um.... however that works), but rather the whinyness, and the fact that his world sucks.
The Home of Me and my Editors by ioddandodd158 viewsNo! Run! The birds are evil I tell you!
The Non Lie Cake by ioddandodd159 viewsThe cake may not be a lie, but the dragons there don't seem to want to share.
The Original Capcom Editors by ioddandodd186 viewsThat is the best challenge name ever XD
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