Doorway Dance by Voyd211137 viewsWizzrobes do have quite the talent for being magically in the way. As well as having killer moves on the dance floor.
Dokuro EXE by Voyd211157 viewsA concept of Dokuro, a.k.a. Doc Robot, as a Navi. He seems to be a semi-glitch Navi who can use his eye to capture and copy the powers of opposing Navis.
HorrorMan and Op by Voyd173 viewsA horror themed Navi being operated by a librarian seems like an interesting choice, it seems like it would work.
Dokuro EXE by Voyd206 viewsAn interesting idea, here we have an EXE counterpart to Doc Robot. A bit of a glitchy Navi, it copies the abilities of Navis it has previously encountered.
Nightmare Man by Voyd201 viewsA little bit of everything a perfect runner fears.
HorrorMan EXE by Voyd234 viewsAn interesting concept this one, a bit of an Eldritch looking Navi here.
Walfas Voyd by Voyd211152 viewsHere we have a representation of Voyd's Walfas form.
Spiral Voyd by Voyd211137 viewsEvidently another of Voyd's forms, though I'm not familiar with the origin of this one.
Digital Spark by Voyd211135 viewsHere we have one of Voyd's most commonly seen forms, that of a stylized Biospark from the Kirby games.
Kaminariu by Voyd211153 viewsEvidently, this is an original character of Voyd's, a large thunder dragon robot of sorts.
Cute Overload by Voyd211183 viewsHmm... These ninjas are getting complicated with their attacks.
I Hate Art Class by Voyd211216 viewsI can rather sympathize with this. Granted, I enjoyed my art classes, and they did give me some practice, but I far prefer freeform drawing to the more structured methods taught in art courses.