Crystals by JokerTH08203 viewsShiiiiiiny~........... uh? Oh, right. I'm not quite sure what the precise Fire Mountain or Atlantis referenced here are, but I think I recognize the others. Amp Plains would be Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Halloween Town would be Kingdom Hearts, Dream Land would be Kirby, Ice Cap I'm guessing is Sonic, and Forest Maze, I'm guessing Super Mario RPG?
Wiiware Title by JokerTH08165 viewsHere we have a nice title screen for Joker's theoretic game. It does seem like it could be interesting.
Magic Arena by JokerTH08180 viewsEvidently, in Joker's RPG idea, Magic Man would run a challenge arena.
Super Smash Bros Fantasy by JokerTH08196 viewsNot really a game in the works or anything, though this does look rather nice. Poor Kirby however has been poisoned. I guess there are some things that don't agree with even his digestive tract.
Joker's Story 2 by JokerTH08169 viewsWell, at least that will clear things up...
Tails vs Zero by JokerTH08176 viewsIt seems Tails has suddenly found himself in battle with Zero! However, he still looks like he's going strong, whereas Zero looks ready to drop.
Ambush by JokerTH08187 viewsThings seem a bit dire for Tails and Zero...
Mega Man vs Tails by JokerTH08181 viewsThe battle rages on! But it looks like Tails is ready to try something new!
Joker's Story by JokerTH08256 viewsMegaman.EXE seems rather tempermental. Best not to annoy him ^_^;
Mega Man Powered Up by JokerTH08276 viewsI quite like how this looks. That would have been amusing, a final scene of ganging up on Wily X)
MegaMan vs Tails ber 2 by JokerTH08277 viewsANd now he has an aura in place? My money's definitely on the cute fox.
1up Curse by JokerTH08237 viewsNever trust 1ups... They are empty vessels who can only live up to their potential if you should meet with an untimely end. Don't worry... it won't hurt...
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