
Silent Hill by WingmanVWXYZ135 viewsIt won't be long before I return to everyone's favorite haunted vacation spot, so this is pretty cool to see ^_^

Full of Randomness by WingmanVWXYZ181 viewsRoll, you might want to look where you're going...

Roahm's Nightmare Robot Master by WingmanVWXYZ232 views......Oh dear, that can't be good... I see traces of Bright Man, Tengu Man, Slash Man, Burner Man, Quick Man, Needle Man... I'm not quite sure whoever else is thrown in there, but it can't be good...

New Roahm Sprite by WingmanVWXYZ148 viewsQuite a colorful sprite, this. It gives my spinal plates quite a wild look ^_^

Roahm Mythril by WingmanVWXYZ137 viewsA nice custom sprite here, even including a pendant. Quite nicely colorful ^_^

Enker EXE by WingmanVWXYZ181 viewsHere we have a Navi counterpart for Enker. I always kind of wished he would have appeared in the BN series.