
Wire Man Spritesheet by thesonicgalaxy198 viewsWire Man seems to be a new electric Robot Master, and one with a devestating power.

Super Mega Bros by thesonicgalaxy179 viewsThis does seem to fit, especially since Proto Man in MMPU jumps higher than Mega Man...

Super Ultra Mega Nightmare by thesonicgalaxy226 viewsWell what do we have here... A Met, Jumbig, and Moby armed with a Wall Shooter... and with a monacle and a tiny hitbox... Oh dear.

Super Ultra Nightmare by thesonicgalaxy212 viewsLet's see... Lantern Fish, Mole, Hothead, Blocky, Telly, Crabbot minus the shell, Pirobot, Press, Bubble Bat, and Lightning Lord... This could be problematic!

Teenage Oil Man by thesonicgalaxy158 viewsLooks like Teen Oil Man is doing his best to be stylish. But did his cool moves go that far back?

The Negas by thesonicgalaxy160 viewsHmm, shadowy versions of Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass? I guess since he couldn't go to Plug Man's stage, Bass is the only one not to have run into his shadow...

My Feelings for MM1 by thesonicgalaxy162 viewsIt's not all THAT bad... is it?

Time Man by thesonicgalaxy151 viewsHmm, a gentlemenly Time Man? Bowserslave might take issue with this.

Submarine Woman by thesonicgalaxy146 viewsHere we have a new Robot Master, Submarine Woman. I wonder how she gets along with Dive Man?

Roahm and the Bear by thesonicgalaxy190 views.......Freaking bears.... leave my wings alone, c'mon...

Robo Cossack by thesonicgalaxy150 viewsDr. Cossack really needs more screentime, poor guy...

Runner Man by thesonicgalaxy173 viewsSeemingly another speed based Robot Master, can Runner Man possibly keep up with the likes of Quick, Turbo, and Nitro?