
Bear Man by thesonicgalaxy138 viewsSo help me, if this guy goes after my wings...

Bombelecicetimerollfiredrilloil Man by thesonicgalaxy181 views......I suppose the title says it all really.

Shockwave Man by thesonicgalaxy173 viewsHere's a more detailed drawing of Shockwave Man, a robot master designed by thesonicgalaxy, and for whom a spritesheet was made earlier.

Roahm Met by thesonicgalaxy170 viewsSo here we have a quite literal Roahm Met... I think Raiden's was perhaps cuter XD

Quick Man Outtakes by thesonicgalaxy344 views.....If only...... oh.... if only.... There would be so many intentional outtakes...

Outtakes Background by thesonicgalaxy221 viewsThis was made so others can make outtake images if they so desire.

Iceberg Man Spritesheet by thesonicgalaxy187 viewsHere we have a new ice themed Robot Master. It seems he also has gimmick ice platforms that slowly sink into the water while you stand on them.

Eris by thesonicgalaxy144 viewsHere we have a new character designed by thesonicgalaxy, Eris. No real info was given, however, though from the looks, I'd guess some icy powers perhaps are at work.

HA by thesonicgalaxy244 viewsStill perhaps one of my favorite outtakes for the sheer ridiculous timing ^_^;

Hula Hoop by thesonicgalaxy213 viewsWell then, even Toad Man has something over me, I never could manage that ^_^;

Color Man Spritesheet by thesonicgalaxy199 viewsTaking an interesting spin on a Robot Master counterpart to ColorMan.EXE perhaps, it looks like we hav ea crayon based Robot Master, an interesting concept ^_^

Dust Man Outtakes by thesonicgalaxy323 viewsThis does not look like it can end well for Dust Man ^_^;