Trapper by beedolphin362 viewsThat effect pretty much perfectly sums up the Trapper. Quite nicely planned out, that.
Neko by beedolphin326 viewsHey, my favorite kitty merchant! Well, aside from the whole barrel thing, but other than that, I love Neko.
Meowth by beedolphin305 viewsYou know, something that always made me laugh about Team Rocket in the Unova arc of the cartoon. They aren't allowed to take their previous Pokemon with them to Unova, as Team Rocket feels it would make them stand out in the new region, having foreign Pokemon... and yet they still are allowed to take a talking Meowth with them, no questions asked...
Jessie by beedolphin313 viewsWell, if nothing else, you have to love Jessie's hair. And she has had a few Pokemon I really liked, such as Arbok and Seviper.
James by beedolphin276 viewsI always did like James. He at least seems to show more care for Pokemon.
Sherbet and Shadow by beedolphin329 viewsBehold! My kitties! Yes, these are my housecats, Sherbet and Shadow. They are snuggly and adorable.
OpRoahm by beedolphin332 viewsI should draw a rendition of my alternate dimensional self sometime. It's interesting seeing the theories that have come about from his appearance in my VBA Link demo.
Ponyenza by Beedolphin340 viewsI was late on the pony craze, but it definitely caught up to me.
Human Form by Beedolphin427 viewsOH GODS, SCARY, MAKE IT GO AWAY o.o; Yep, that's the man behind the dragon.
Chip Grind by Beedolphin369 viewsSacraficing my life to grind for chips? That sounds about right sometimes o.o;
Rainbow Dash by beedolphin288 viewsRainbow Dash is a bit of a strange one for me. Loyalty after all is certainly a good trait, but more often than not she just seems to be a braggard ^_^;
NumberMan by beedolphin299 viewsSimplistic though his design may be, I've always liked NumberMan. It doesn't hurt that he has the most awesomely-haired operator!