Full Moon Kick by beedolphin262 viewsFull Moon Kick is an attack given to my fictional son Terry in storylines and such. A rather stylish move in which he focuses a ball of lunar energy in front of him, then launches it with a soccer kick.
Echo Mythril by beedolphin292 viewsEcho can be rather good at keeping me focused on what I'm supposed to be doing, rather than being distracted by all the shinies...
Cross Fusion by beedolphin276 viewsI'm kind of suprised anime-style cross fusion never happened in the games.
Higure Yamitaro by beedolphin261 viewsBehold the awesome hair! You cannot resist its power of awesomeness!
Ice Man by beedolphin270 viewsIce Man is always adorable. Even in card form. There is no denying this fact.
Chibi Roahm by beedolphin280 views...Though technically, that's my character's daughter, Alissa... X) Still, she is agressively cute X)
Mettaur by beedolphin318 viewsAhh, the Mettaur. How cute you are. They're always welcome to me!
Shiny Card by beedolphin363 views.....Shinies!!! I WANT THE SHINIES!!! GIVE ME THE SHINIEEEEEEES!!!!!!!..... sorry, blacked out for a moment there, did I miss anything?
Roahm Card by beedolphin376 viewsShinies! My one weakness!
To Roahm by beedolphin387 viewsThis was sent in by beedolphin, along with a golden Mettaur figurine and a copy of MMBN4 Blue Moon. I meant to scan it in earlier, but that's about when the computer started having problems. My sincere thanks for both the gift and the nice art ^_^