
I Love Mega Man by jackrc11209 viewsThis is pretty much the long and the short of it, yes. EXE and Geo can go over on the acceptable side as well.

Beach by jackrc11174 viewsStrike Man could indeed make a decent beach ball if you worked it out right...

Top Man's Ballet by jackrc11182 viewsIt seems Top Man is teaching ballet! Fitting, but it seems he's quite hard to please.

Need Backup by jackrc11194 viewsThere are few things you can do when confronted with a giant Mega Man... This is one of them.

Uhhh by jackrc11178 views.......Sometimes, I just have no idea what to say ^_^;

Who's the Wimp by jackrc11206 viewsWell, Quint.... you're still relying on an army instead of taking me on yourself...

Met by jackrc11166 viewsMets, always welcome, always adorable!

Bugger Man 2 by jackrc11232 viewsWell then.... Yeah, that's troublesome alright.

Bugger Man by jackrc11234 viewsThis does seem the logical result to combining so many things that haunt me...

Mega Pipi by jackrc11196 viewsDon't look back, just RUN!!!