Pseudodragon by BlackRaiden340 viewsA bit of a birthday gift of sorts, Voyd requested this from BlackRaiden, presenting me with my own pseudodragon pet! They are pretty adorable little things.
The Truth by BlackRaiden346 viewsIt's been so hard keeping this secret! Haha, seriously I do find it funny how closely my colors match a shiny Dragonite, I've noticed the similarity myself. But Pink, you already HAVE a shiny Dragonite! Put that Master Ball away! There is also a color version of this that I have uploaded to Neo's gallery, as he was the one to add color.
Resident Evil Garden by BlackRaiden329 viewsI get to be Barry? Sweet! I get the game's closest equivalent of a hand cannon, and the most deliciously cheesy lines in the game!
PRG Reference by BlackRaiden421 viewsSo over on the forums, Raiden took it upon herself to make a massive visual reference guide for pretty much everyone o.o; Quite a massive undertaking, that. The first page of this work featured Pink, Shagg, Kit, and myself. Quite well done, that!
Happy New Year by BlackRaiden260 viewsIt seems 2012 is the Year of the Dragon! May 2012 be prosperous for us all.
Team Roahm by RaidenNagare422 viewsSo when Raiden started taking requests from viewers of her artists thread over on the forums, I had asked if I might get a drawing of Kadabra. And then this awesomeness happened XD I absolutely love her style, and am honored to have receieved something like this, a team picture of my original team back in the days of Red and Blue ^_^
Eirin EXE by RaidenNagare461 viewsIt looks like my favorite Touhou character is now available in Navi form! She looks quite pretty and elegant, and it seems a nice touch, giving her dual Aqua and Heat attacks to match her colors.
Birth of the Roahm Met Pt 1 by RaidenNagare596 viewsRaidenNagare sent in this adorable three part comic explaining the birth of the Roahm Met she had drawn earlier ^_^ Evidently the Roahm Met was created when Dr. Wily trusted some easily confused robots with data he had collected on me. Instead of filing it where it was supposed to go, they put it in a Met-making machine! And thus, a firebreathing bundle of cuteness was created!
Birth of the Roahm Met Pt 2 by RaidenNagare582 viewsThe poor Roahm Met didn't seem to have anywhere that it fit in. Dr. Wily obviously wasn't happy after that scorching in Pt 1, and other Mets didn't seem to think it belonged. It was simply fate that I happened to be walking by that day.
Birth of the Roahm Met Pt 3 by RaidenNagare608 viewsChoosing a color, that was a tricky bit... At least I learned one thing, never paint them pink. That's just asking for trouble.
Roahm Met by RaidenNagare515 viewsBehold, the Roahm Met! It's adorable, AND it collects shinies! I wonder if I could train them to guard my hoard for me...
Higsby Ninja by RaidenNagare408 viewsThis is one stylish Higsby ninja ^_^; This request worked out a lot better than I thought it might, Higsby ninja is awesome X) I love the detail in this one of him holding a chip like a shuriken. Huh!