
Throw Kirby by GoldNTearuka204 viewsYou know, Throw is one of those abilities I always forget about.

Sword Kirby by GoldNTearuka185 viewsStraightforward as it may be, Sword is still one of my favorite abilities.

Parasol Kirby by GoldNTearuka194 viewsIt seems Yukari has taken an interest in Kirby's abilities. I guess it would have to be either her or Kogasa.

Fighter Kirby by GoldNTearuka181 viewsPunching Kracko right in the eye does seem quite satisfying.

Kirby vs Metaknight by GoldNTearuka199 viewsQuite a stylish piece, this, depicting the rivalry battle between Kirby and Metaknight.

Hammer Kirby by GoldNTearuka200 viewsAh, the hammer, favorite ability of a certain feline friend of mine.

Bomb Kirby by GoldNTearuka194 viewsI always did enjoy the Bomb ability and its sheer spamability.

Ninja Kirby by GoldNTearuka205 viewsNinja Kirby is one of my favorite abilities. I'm glad it seems to be in more games lately.

Kirby vs Marx Soul by GoldNTearuka201 viewsHaving never played Super Star Ultra, I've never faced this particular battle...

Kirby vs Dark Matter by GoldNTeruka201 viewsIs it just me, or is Dark Matter one of the less disturbing final bosses of Kirby?

Warrior Man by GoldNTearuka171 viewsA blade based Robot Master, it looks like he'd work well with Sword Man and Blade Man.

Snow Woman by GoldNTearuka191 viewsWell, making her female is one way to avoid the Snow Man pun... XD