
Tellies by Jon Causith347 viewsIt's nice to know even Needle Man and I can agree on something...

Triggered Pitch by Jon Causith229 viewsAh, MST, always so fun X) The "Johnny Longtorso" advertisement is certainly one of their more ridiculous schemes X)

He Thinks I'm a Pallet by Jon Causith248 viewsAhh, always a classic. Sing it with me!
This is the sooooooong written for the train chase
This is the chaaaaaase, Rocky and Kennnnnn
He triiiiiiied to kill me with a foooorkliiiiift!

Nightmare Ender - Needle Man pt 1 by Jon Causith312 viewsJon isn't convinced that Needle Man is hard, and actually claims him to be at least somewhat easy. Thus, he created this set of tips and strategies. This is continued in a second part as well.

Nightmare Ender - Needle Man pt 2 by Jon Causith301 viewsAnd here we have the second half. It's interesting to look at this... I wonder if it may lead to a Revenge vid in the future...

Roahm and Jon's Thoughts by Jon Causith325 viewsThe simple truth is, my ratings are quite the "your milage may vary" sort of thing. Amusing, however, how this worked out, a complete opposite opinion on these two. At least we can agree on Quick Man though.

A Very Very Very Bad Joke by Jon Causith350 viewsThe artist doth protest too much. I actually found this quite funny XD According to him, it's Quick Man suffering my wrath, so... I'm behind it 100%.

The Birds by Jon Causith341 viewsIt's so obvious now! The birds were always in charge! Everything I've gone through, everything Capcom has put their fans through... It's all the fault of the birds!

Higsby and the Blade by Jon Causith370 viewsHere we have a two part image. First we have something I always wanted to see in the EXE anime, Cross Fusion Higsby! The decision to leave his awesome hair free and use the NumberMan grid as a visor looks very cool indeed. We also have a Navi design for Blade Man!

CommandoMan EXE by Jon Causith394 viewsHere we have a Navi design for Commando Man. I'm so predisposed these days to think "Kick the tank, KICK THE TANK!" when seeing such a vehicle.

This Gift is Made of Crystal by Jon Causith391 viewsAh, Crystal Man, definitely one of my favorite Robot Masters, and a Navi I really wish would have come to be.
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