
Roahm by Emile Daoust243 viewsEvidently part of an LP project being done by the artist, they're playing an RPG and using various LPers and YouTubers as characters. It seems I'm along for the ride!

Delay Troll by PrinceDarius321 viewsWhen going through the Boss Rematch stage of Nezumiman, one mouse and one alone caused me more trouble than anything else in the stage, if not the entire game. Delay Nezumi, why you be trollin'?!

Group Shot by PrinceDarius269 viewsHere we have a gathering of some of the higher-ups from the forums and broadcasts! From left to right, we have Bowserslave, Catgame, Cutman Mike, Neo, Giest, Pink, Striker, BlackRaiden, Kit, Shagg, and myself!

NARPAS SWORD by PrinceDarius251 viewsDuring my Metroid LP, I demonstrated a few passwords, including NARPAS SWORD. This one basically makes you invincible, and so I couldn't help referencing TF2 for that one X) And yes, I know now what I did not know then, that it's not NARPAS SWORD, but actually NAR PASSWORD. Still, due to the password's spacing, you can't blame me ;)

Roahm by SlasherSeraphicat298 viewsQuite a cute rendition, this one, with very nice, light colors ^_^