
30th Anniversary by Thomas Kane107 viewsMan, it's hard to believe Mega Man is 30 years old... and that I'm another six years older still...

A Moment of Peace by Thomas Kane125 viewsWith as hectic as things have been lately, I could use this kind of relaxation o.o;

Christmas Present (Color) by Thomas Kane134 viewsA colored version of a recent sketch, it's a pretty nice looking outfit here, haha. Someday I'm going to have to get around to drawing some sort of concept of just how I wear things like vests or jackets or whatever while letting my wings come out from the back...

Christmas by Thomas Kane136 viewsA rather nice holiday image here, it's nice to spend time with family and friends, truly a good time.

Happy Birthday by Thomas Kane184 viewsAs of February 9th, I am officially 35 years old. The outfit I have here is rather interesting, sort of a cross of what my dragon and human forms wear. Well, minus the crown and sash, haha. The sleeves are kind of interesting I think.

Merry Christmas by Thomas Kane154 viewsA nice group snow day! Man, I'd love to experience weather like this...

Dark Roahm by Thomas Kane156 viewsA shadowy dark version of myself. Apparently this was inspired by Birth by Sleep? I haven't actually played that one yet. I have a copy of it I believe, just never got around to playing it.

Icy Jewel by Thomas Kane148 viewsA crystalline keyblade with icy power. Quite nice!

DragonMan Mega Chip by Thomas Kane158 viewsA nice dynamic shot of DragonMan.EXE, likely his pose for his Mega Chip image. The effect sounds like a spread / homing shot, meaning the fewer enemies there are, the more hits it will receive.

Skyre EXE by Thomas Kane155 viewsHere we have a Navi based off of one of my characters, a brother of mine from another dimension. Skyre is a human turned Navi searching for power in his new internet world.

Lepus Update by Thomas Kane151 viewsHere we have an updated version of Lepus as a Navi. Working for the officials, Lepus and his operator Thomas are dedicated, but will hesitate when a situation gets too tense, such as when sacrafice or deletion seem to be the only answers. It can make him a burden, but has also led to better solutions on occasions.

DragonMan EXE by Thomas Kane159 viewsAnd now I seem to be getting the Navi treatment! It looks like I take a bit of inspiration from the Starforce version of MegaMan, when it comes to the arm cannon department.