
RMN-009 - 011 Mugshots by NeoGandWatch4 viewsSome custom mugshot sprites of some of my more recent Robot Masters!

Quartz Man by NeoGandWatch4 viewsQuartz Man's time powers don't really allow for time travel. He should definitely know better. But Neo's Cave Man has his own concerns.

Oracle Woman by NeoGandWatch6 viewsShe may be stoic normally, but Oracle Woman has a flair for the dramatic when giving her prophecies. UltraX's Duet seems less than impressed.

Vegas Man by NeoGandWatch2 viewsVegas Man can't help turning on the charm around a pretty face. Neo's Casino Man does not benefit from this.

Origami Man by NeoGandWatch2 viewsOrigami Man tends to enjoy a serene, peaceful existence with his craft.

Met Man by NeoGandWatch2 viewsMet Man's always frantic about schedules and quotas. Is it just his own issues, or does he have an overbearing boss...?

Glass Man by NeoGandWatch4 viewsAny advertising on Glass Man's part is completely unintentional. I'm not even sure I knew what the EVO logo looked like when designing him. Neo's Ghost Woman seems to be a fan though.

Disco Man by NeoGandWatch3 viewsDisco Man's all about keeping the music going and having a good time. Looks like Neo's Idol Woman is having a good time.

Devil Man by NeoGandWatch4 viewsDevil Man is a bigtime metalhead. Fierce as he may look, he loves nothing more than to rock out. Neo's Jill Pop is happy to join in.

Fruit Man by NeoGandWatch2 viewsFruit Man has a fairly child-like innocence to him, just a cheerful mascot. Though looks like he has a childish crush on Neo's Ignite Woman.

Bow Man by NeoGandWatch3 viewsAn archery coach, Bow Man likes showing off for his students sometimes. It's fine, Volt Man knows what he did. Probably.

Roahm Rage by Neo82 viewsA particular moment in Startropics resulted in wanting an updated version of the old classic FFFFFFF pic. Neo was kind enough to provide quite a nice one here!
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