Roahm Rage by Neo78 viewsA particular moment in Startropics resulted in wanting an updated version of the old classic FFFFFFF pic. Neo was kind enough to provide quite a nice one here!
Net Abbreviations by Neo257 viewsThanks to SnoruntPyro's judge commentary on Mag Mammal 2, I've been learning a lot of internet lingo I wasn't sure of. Am I hip with the kids yet?
Believe by Neo213 viewsWell, the truth is out there... This actually came from a discussion about why I actually did play the first five X games (I really wanted to like them), and the joke was something along the lines of "So when it comes to the X games, you wanted to believe."
Crows and Art by Neo221 viewsBirds are very particular about art. You will appreciate it, and you will do so in the order intended! Or else!
Just For Men by Neo261 viewsIn Mega Man : Super Fighting Robot, you can buy a "Hair Dye" item at the shop. The effects were not exactly what I was expecting XD
Pikmin Outro Card by Neo269 viewsFor the Outro card, Neo placed some info bubbles so I could keep track of numbers of Pikmin, parts, and days passed. The end result I think looked very nice, and I loved the touch of my friends in the stars, as if I was trying to get back to them. It made for quite a nice image!
Pikmin Intro Card by Neo242 viewsNeo worked through some major artists block for these cards, and I'm very grateful to him for these. The end results are quite nice, and added a lot of life to the project.
Spyro the Durgon - Outro by Neo332 viewsHurp and furthermore Durgons.
Spyro the Dragon - Outro by Neo341 viewsFor the outro, Neo hit upon my most hated character in the series. Seriously, Moneybags, just... go away.
Spyro the Durgon - Intro by Neo319 viewsA rather big deal was made of the fact that I often said "durgon" instead of "dragon" during the LP. It was a bit of an inside joke with friends, and it spawned silly things.
Spyro the Dragon - Intro by Neo286 viewsWhen doing my Spyro LP, Neo was kind enough to provide awesome title cards! He did quite a good job capturing the style of the series, and I really enjoyed being able to have these for the project.
Disco Ninja Frog by Neo299 viewsSo I named my Greninja Jiraiya, after Yosuke's amphibious summon from Persona 4. Or as the hiimdaisy comic called him, the PERSONA NINJA DISCO FROG! And thus, silliness ensued.
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