Power of 9 by GandWatch456 viewsThere is something highly satisfying about pulling this off...
Pumpkin Hill by GandWatch317 views...As frequently as Pink, Shagg, and Kit go into the Pumpkin Hill lyrics, they never stick in my mind. I guess I'm immune to rap... ::gets Kick the Rock stuck in head:: ...okay, immune to SOME rap.
Kit Portraits by GandWatch389 viewsNeo has been doing the artwork for the various bosses and other characters in the Pink Rose Garden Touhou project. Here are the conversation portraits for Kit!
L Tetris Block by GandWatch356 viewsSo a few years back, GameFAQs held one of their character contests. I've always been annoyed by those. It was bad enough when it was almost always Cloud or Link that won.... but then this happened. Yes, a CHARACTER contest was won by a tetrad...
Cut Man 2 by GandWatch420 viewsOne does have to wonder about the Cut Man 2 comic in the intro of Mega Man 7...
Double Rainbow by GandWatch376 viewsI actually SAW a double rainbow fairly recently. Quite an entrancing sight, that...
TV Tropes by GandWatch418 views...So true, so very true, just going there, you start to find yourself using terms from the site without even realizing it. Cloud Cuckoolander, Our Vampires are Different, Crowning Moment of Funny, Improbable Weapon User, Deadpan Snarker, Dark is Not Evil... I find myself using them frequently.
Stolen Bikes by GandWatch430 viewsWell, so long as she didn't steal his chocolate, she should be safe...
Super Rocking Brothers by GandWatch398 viewsQuite a stylish look to this one... though I think that Met is in for a rude awakening.
Tenshi Wallpaper by GandWatch392 viewsA Touhou wallpaper, here we have one dedicated to the Celestial, Tenshi. Fear the psycho quakemaker in the peach hat!
Shagg Tries Touhou by GandWatch467 viewsActually, for a first, blind attempt at Touhou, Shagg did rather respectably, I think ^_^
Silly Tewi by GandWatch436 views....But how does this work? She's half bunny, half girl... Can she have half a box? Of course then, she'll find a way to swindle the kids out of their half, but that's another story.
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