Sexy Stealth Rock by KevROB948278 views..........I really don't know what to say about that image, so I'll just say FREAKING STEALTH ROCK, MOST BROKEN MOVE IN 4TH GEN and move on.
Nightmare Fuel 2 by KevROB948251 viewsNot as creepy as the last one, but still weird in its own way I suppose.
Nightmare Fuel 1 by KevROB948282 viewsUmm..... yeah, that's freaky.
No Good by KevROB948251 viewsA rather clever use of this particular meme.
Kent by KevROB948231 viewsHere we have Kent Swanson, one of the earliest Psychopaths you can meet in Dead Rising, though it's not until a bit later that you can actually fight him.
Meowth Card by KevROB948209 viewsI always did like Meowth, but then, I do like cats in general.
Gary Oak by KevROB948238 viewsAh, Gary Oak. Always ridiculous in the early seasons of the cartoon X)
Dumbass by KevROB948263 views...Yes, the cartoon made this mistake. One of their "break" segments actually claimed that Seviper evolves from Arbok...
Friendship by KevROB948213 viewsThis does seem like an interesting effect. Though I'm tempted to quote Mortal Kombat. Friendship! Friendship? Again?
Guts Man's Ass by KevROB948251 views......DUN NUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Murkrow by KevROB948216 viewsI always did like Murkrow. Probably one of my favorite Johto breeds.
What Am I Fighting For by KevROB948251 views......Now I'm imagining a parody of the song "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For."