Last additions - MegaBetaman |

Mettaur Stew by MegaBetaman235 views......Sometimes the comments on my main page just go crazy... This was such a time... Yeah.May 02, 2010

Nightmare Weapons by MegaBetaman424 viewsIt looks like I could get some new weapons from some of the more annoying enemies I have to face off against. It would be nice to have some of them on my side for a change...May 02, 2010

Kit's 24th by MegaBetaman277 viewsIn all fairness, I did blow up a planet in celebration of Kit's 24th birthday... or at least a Stardroid...May 02, 2010

Home for Adorable Mets Freeloaders by MegaBetaman469 viewsIt looks like everyone wants to get into the Home for Adorable Mets! The service there is pretty good, it's quite comfortable, and as the name implies, it's full of adorable Mets... but those two in the back, I don't know that I trust them...Apr 18, 2010

Silent Hill Battle Network by MegaBetaman405 viewsCan Megaman hope to defeat Incubator.EXE? Let's hope so!Apr 05, 2010

Where is Nowhere 2 by MegaBetaman361 viewsHmm.... Methinks this is the most literal interpretation of going nowhere yet... X)Apr 05, 2010

You Can't Hide on the Net by MegaBetaman603 viewsGetting a message in MMBN2 from an "IronMan" seemed to inspire this... but I can just never get away from those who cause me grief...Mar 29, 2010

Horror by MegaBetaman356 viewsSo what happens when you combine Pipis, Big Eye, Moles, Quick Man, Needle Man, and the Yellow Devil? Pure, abject horror.Mar 29, 2010

You Can't Hide on the Net by MegaBetaman801 viewsYes, my nightmares can find me even on the internet. Why won't they leave me alone?!!Feb 27, 2010

Where is Nowhere by MegaBetaman528 viewsIn MMBN2, the Metroline lists Nowhere as a destination... Silent Hill Battle Network, anyone?Feb 16, 2010

Roahm's Stage pt 3 by MegaBetaman796 viewsAnd now, the final part of my stage. I love the details of the Met dispensers, the warning signs for all the enemies I hate, and even a sign showing that Crystal Man and Jewel Man are accepted. SHINIES!Feb 12, 2010

Roahm's Stage pt 2 by MegaBetaman648 viewsHere's the second part of the stage. Things are getting a little hot now! Methinks the Mecha Dragon there is more comfortable with heat than I would be ^_^; This has been updated to show the link to the final area.Feb 12, 2010
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