Last additions - Drew |

James' Magical Adventure Pt 23 by Drew138 views......COme to think of it, I suppose alternate outfits were one of the few things missing from the first two Silent Hill games. The rest of the series took care of it though to some degree or another.Nov 27, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 24 by Drew131 viewsDiving down all those holes can't be good for James. I certainly would advise against it. Especially given that ominous shadow.Nov 27, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 19131 viewsAnd so now, the comic becomes interactive! Or rather, it did for me. My answers were : 1) Cat. 2) Zero. 3) Warriors. Was I right? We'll have to see in the future.Nov 20, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 19 Explanation by Drew126 viewsThe questions in Pt 19 were actually given to me to decide where things would go. Thus, I answered them, and the comic proceeded.Nov 20, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 20 by Drew135 viewsHey, looks like I answered all the questions right! And our prize is...... Tommy Wiseau?! That freak what made that bizzare movie "The Room?!" Oh, a god item set. Well that's better. Oh hai, cameo appearance.Nov 20, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 21 by Drew127 viewsCorrect answers or no, it looks like they'll have some tough times ahead. Pyramid Head has killed Maria (well, we know how that goes...), and seperated Momiji from the rest of the group.Nov 20, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 22 by Drew129 viewsLooks like my answers netted James' gang some nice prizes indeed. Hopefully this will help them now that they're seperated.Nov 20, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 16 by Drew127 viewsIt seems the nurses are getting tougher. This one's gotten good at hiding in the darkness. REALLY good.Nov 13, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 17 by Drew119 viewsOne dead nurse later, and a new character is introduced! Haruhi has joined.Nov 13, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 18 by Drew124 viewsAs weird as the average happenings in Silent Hill may be, few things top the sudden intrusion of a game show into an elevator ride.Nov 13, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 12 by Drew129 viewsTrust me, Shadow... you're better off finding a different Maria than this particular piece of baggage.Nov 06, 2010

James' Magical Adventure Pt 13 by Drew120 viewsA bit of a mistake on the sign, but in all fairness, Jack's Inn and Pete's Bowl-a-rama are very close to each other... And the Jack Skellington sign is cool. Oh, and bashing Maria with the plank = highly recommended.Nov 06, 2010