Last additions - Ace-heart |

Giygas Quick Man by Ace-heart846 viewsConsidering I still haven't found a revenge strategy, I guess I can't comprehend the nature of Quick Man's attack.Jan 01, 2011

Alien Quick Man by Ace-heart863 viewsHmm.... That would explain a good bit... And also gives me a disturbing mental image of a smaller Quick Man head coming out of his mouth.... Yeah....Jan 01, 2011

We Stole Christmas by Ace-heart781 viewsLeave it to Quick Man... but Ace-heart helped?!Dec 27, 2010

Christmas Went Bad by Ace-heart790 viewsSo Quick Man stole Christmas, eh? I can't help noticing he's not the only one in that sleigh... Meanwhile, sigh, looks like I'll have to get my forms in order for all those shiny taxes. Bugger indeed!Dec 27, 2010

Mythril vs X by Ace-heart899 views....Ah the X debate... Never going to hear the end of this one. In all honesty, I'd be happy to stop talking about X if people would stop bringing up the subject and pushing me to make videos of the series. Personal opinions, end of story, moving on.Dec 11, 2010

No Mew Here by Ace-heart825 views...Seriously, what is WITH that truck? I forget if it's even there in Fire Red or Leaf Green, I never looked.Dec 11, 2010

The Black Devil by Ace-heart814 views.......And I thought Devil bosses were troublesome before...Nov 27, 2010

Poor Mets by Ace-heart841 viewsPoor Met indeed! Run, little Met! Get out of there!Nov 27, 2010

Missingno by Ace-heart930 viewsAh, Missingno... Must you ruin everything you touch?Nov 27, 2010

4000 Subs by Ace-heart834 viewsIt's hard to believe I've hit 4000 subs on my channel. It's nice to know Mets are ready to celebrate with me! Quick Man, if you'll behave yourself, you can join the party.Nov 27, 2010

Spikeproofed Boots by Ace-heart821 viewsOne does have to wonder why Dr. Light didn't use that same technology on the feet of the HERO OF THE BLOODY WORLD!Nov 20, 2010

Rook Mann by Ace-heart858 views..........whaaaaaaaaat o.o; I..... really don't know what to say about this ^_^:;Nov 20, 2010