Last additions - IrukaAoi |

Hittokun by IrukaAoi188 viewsThe swirl of the flames in this pose looks very cool indeed, and the painting effect somehow makes it look all the hotter. Very nicely done!Jun 05, 2010

I am Bubble Man by IrukaAoi188 viewsThis painting work seriously impresses me o.o; I have NEVER been able to get such a clean look when I've tried painting.Jun 05, 2010

Elec Man Oil by IrukaAoi218 viewsI fail miserably at painting, so something like this truly impresses me : an oil painting of Elec Man. That is quite an awesome pose, very dynamic!Jun 05, 2010

Air Man Human by IrukaAoi263 viewsFeeling bad for him since he was the least humanoid Robot Master from the second generation, IrukaAoi tried a more humanoid form of Air Man. It seems like a nice design I think.Jun 05, 2010

Aqua Tan by IrukaAoi256 viewsIt seems IrukaAoi wanted to do something to try to defend Aqua Man's masulinity. Thus, she gave him a girlfriend. Maybe he really is a ladies man?Jun 05, 2010

CrashMan EXE by IrukaAoi357 viewsThis was actually sent to me by GandWatch, a.k.a. Neo, to cheer up his friend who drew this piece. The design looks very professional to me, she is quite talented! I could definitely see Capcom using this design.May 29, 2010