Last additions - SammerYoshi |

Old Dog Man by SammerYoshi165 viewsHere is an old concept drawing of a custom Robot Master, Dog Man.Oct 30, 2010

MMM Behind the Development - Building a Level by SammerYoshi207 viewsHere we can see the maptiles being placed, and the overall layout of the stage being put together. Quite interesting to see this!Oct 30, 2010

MMM Behind the Development - Coding Mega Man by SammerYoshi190 viewsThis looks rather interesting. I wonder exactly what is going on here in this window...Oct 30, 2010

MMM Behind the Development - More Coding by SammerYoshi179 viewsIt's interesting to see the coding that goes into things. Reminds me of my days at Full Sail.Oct 30, 2010

MMM Behind the Development - Graphics by SammerYoshi195 viewsHere we have the graphics editor for the program being used to make a new Mega Man game. Quite interesting to get this behind the scenes look at things.Oct 30, 2010

Mega Man Mania - New Mug Test by SammerYoshi202 viewsThis frame seems to look rather good, quite flashy.Oct 30, 2010

Moon Light Boredom by SammerYoshi148 viewsBoredom seems to be a theme here ^_^;;Oct 30, 2010

In Toilet Man's Stage by SammerYoshi198 viewsSomething about this place looks familiar... like from a kingdom with a fungus obsession...Oct 30, 2010

Lego E Tank by SammerYoshi162 viewsI'd probably blow a lot of time if I had a Lego program to make things like this...Oct 30, 2010

Hard Man Fail by SammerYoshi180 views....That never did look like a comfortable landing...Oct 30, 2010

Fakemon - Dazme by SammerYoshi157 viewsYou know, come to think of it, I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been much of a daisy Pokemon yet...Oct 30, 2010

Fakemon - Crystalee by SammerYoshi167 views........Where do I find one? I want one. It looks like a breed that could have alternate forms that would be different types of gems, and...... um, yeah, that would keep me busy for awhile.Oct 30, 2010