Last additions - SammerYoshi |

Fakemon - Damazing by SammerYoshi149 viewsSeemingly the evolved form of Dazme, this one has a little more flower power!Oct 30, 2010

Chibi Quick Man by SammerYoshi176 views........Chibi him up all you want, Quick Man is still an evil spaz ^_^;Oct 30, 2010

Dan and Sheep Man 6 by SammerYoshi186 views...Sure, it's fun until you land... especially at that kind of a speed.Oct 30, 2010

Bored on Friday by SammerYoshi154 viewsI've certainly had days like this.Oct 30, 2010

Art Experiment by SammerYoshi169 views.....Evidently it's an art experiment... I wasn't told much beyond that ^_^;Oct 30, 2010

Awesomesauce by SammerYoshi173 viewsSo this is the famed Awesome Sauce I have heard so much about. With a name like that, it had better taste awesome.Oct 30, 2010

Sample Map 1 by SammerYoshi196 viewsIt seems SammerYoshi is working on a project known as Skull Castlevania. Here we have an outdoor entry to the castle, it seems.Oct 17, 2010

Sample Map 2 by SammerYoshi180 viewsFurther adventures in Skull Castlevania, this time seemingly an entry hall.Oct 17, 2010

Sample Map 3 by SammerYoshi188 viewsHere we have another map from Skull Castlevania. It seems an interesting concept thus far.Oct 17, 2010

Pluto Full Color by SammerYoshi162 viewsPluto looks good in purple!Oct 17, 2010

Pluto Full Color Spritesheet by SammerYoshi206 viewsHere we have a full set of colored Pluto sprites. I'd love to see the Stardroids return in full color some day.Oct 17, 2010

Mega Man 4 Plus 001 by SammerYoshi215 viewsBehold, the power of Donut Rain!...... sounds tasty to me. Evidently, it's a bit of a joke on SammerYoshi's alternate name, DonutYoshi.Oct 17, 2010