Last additions - SammerYoshi |

Nightmare Shop by SammerYoshi404 viewsHmm.... I can't say I feel inclined to spend my hard-earned bolts here...Jul 24, 2010

The Best Upgrade Ever by SammerYoshi307 viewsX, take the upgrade. Trust me. You need it. Desperately.Jul 24, 2010

Revenge by SammerYoshi272 viewsSweet Shadow Bladey REVENGE!!! Say what you want, I still love the Shadow Blade and find it more fun to use than the Metal Blade.Jul 17, 2010

True Power by SammerYoshi351 viewsFinally, the true power of the Sakugarne revealed.... making your opponent laugh themselves to death!Jul 10, 2010

Sonic Mets by SammerYoshi246 viewsHere we have a couple of Sonic themed Mets, one for Sonic, and one for Tails, though the Tails met comes in two colors, one for the comic and cartoon colors, and one for the official game colors.Jul 10, 2010

Sports Mets by SammerYoshi227 viewsNow here's a trio that would be right at home in Strike Man's stadium...Jul 10, 2010

Happy Met by SammerYoshi211 viewsIt's the happiest Met ever!Jul 10, 2010

Battle Network Met by SammerYoshi211 viewsAccording to SammerYoshi, more work had been done on this, but the work was unfortunately lost.Jul 10, 2010

Fear of Quick Man by SammerYoshi315 viewsI'm pretty sure the fear of Quick Man isn't limited only to dragons...Jul 03, 2010

Crystal Quick Man by SammerYoshi242 viewsHmm.... which wins out, my love of shinies, or my fear of Quick Man..... I'll have to get back to you on that one...Jul 03, 2010

Cute Invasion by SammerYoshi316 viewsHmm..... I really don't see a problem here....Jul 03, 2010

Never Trust Quick Man by SammerYoshi355 viewsLan's too naive, so don't let this happen to you. Some guy with a boomerang on his head comes by with a package for you, DON'T TRUST HIM!Jun 26, 2010