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Eat Me Now by TPPR10417 viewsWhatever that topping is, Lickitung doesn't seem pleased...Apr 02, 2011

Blue Troll Drop Fail by TPPR10292 viewsBlue Drops are certainly annoying... at least until you get something that blocks the Frosty status effect.Feb 19, 2011

King Troll Drop by TPPR10290 viewsAble to immobilize your team by constantly expanding? Forcing magic spam? Yeah, Dread Slime is the biggest troll drop yet.Feb 19, 2011

Undead Skull Man by TPPR10284 views......Methinks poor Skull Man has seen better days.Feb 05, 2011

Sentry Man by TPPR10187 viewsSentry Man, as designed by TPPR10, is a Robot Master based upon the Sentry from TF2. Alas, another of those games that my system simply won't let me enjoy.Feb 05, 2011

Kendo Man by TPPR10211 viewsHere we seem to have a Robot Master version of KendoMan.EXE. It would be interesting to see that actually happen, seems like it could be an interesting fight.Feb 05, 2011

Cop Joe by TPPR10249 viewsHere we have a design for a new type of Joe enemy, the Cop Joe. I could see these hanging around Fake Man. But ahh, poor Kit, another enemy telling him to wait.Feb 05, 2011

Deal With It by TPPR10283 viewsAs much as Smugleaf seemed to fit, I've gotten used to Snivy by now, and look forward to getting one of my own.Feb 05, 2011

Thinking Klink by TPPR10205 viewsKlink has been confirmed as the English name for the new Gear Pokemon from 5th gen. I do rather like clockwork contraptions, so I'll probably like these guys.Jan 08, 2011

How Does Magnet Man Work by TPPR10247 viewsTPPR10 and I do share a bit of a question on this, as we did both experience Magnet Man being rather strange in how frequently he used one attack over the other. Freaking Magnet Man, how does he work? At least it doesn't really make him harder, just more tedious.Jan 08, 2011

Mega Man Trainer Cards 2 by TPPR10346 viewsHere we have a new selection of trainer cards for Robot Masters. The choices of Pokemon for Snake Man and Buster Rod G were simple enough given the animal natures of those Robot Masters. Slash Man on the other hand goes with the prehistoric nature of his stage, choosing a group of fossil Pokemon.Jan 08, 2011

Super Cut Man Poster by TPPR10301 views......So evidently, in the manga, Cut Man got the Rush Adaptors? o.o; That is amusing X)Dec 04, 2010
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