Last additions - TPPR10 |

MetFire by TPPR10227 viewsNooooooo, don't burn the Mets!Jul 31, 2010

MysteryMan EXE by TPPR10209 viewsA new Navi design, though fittingly enough, it seems not much is really known about him.Jul 31, 2010

Knight Man and KnightMan EXE by TPPR10371 viewsKnightMan.EXE does seem quite the bulky type... Just how did he get so big, anyway?Jul 31, 2010

Flame Man and FlameMan EXE by TPPR10401 viewsFlameMan.EXE always did seem a weird change from classic Flame Man... Maybe someone else would be a better fit...Jul 31, 2010

FoxWoman EXE by TPPR10237 viewsThis seems an interesting look. She reminds me of a cross between Ninetails from Okami and Da Ji from Warriors Orochi.Jul 31, 2010

Jammers are Screwed by TPPR10380 viewsIn Starforce 1, there is a subquest where you have to eliminate a large group of Jammers in order to get a brother band with Zack. Methinks many people want revenge on this particular mission...Jul 31, 2010

Anti Mole Aura by TPPR10276 viewsOhhhhh, if only.... Yeah, Moles are still annoying.Jul 31, 2010

Bass EXE Juuka Style by TPPR10292 viewsEvidently, Juuka refers to the two Cybeasts. Here we have Bass merged with both of them.Jul 31, 2010

Clown Man's Question by TPPR10345 viewsIt does seem strange that, with both ColorMan and CircusMan seeming like they could fit the role, there was never a ClownMan.EXE.Jul 31, 2010

Snake Woman by TPPR10346 viewsAh, Queen Ophiuca... Well, she does certainly fit as a Snake Woman... Also quite a frantic fight from what I recall.Jul 24, 2010

Team Crab by TPPR10350 viewsEvidently, in the Starforce anime, there's a scene where Bubble Crab is sent flying, Team Rocket style. At least he has some friends now.Jul 24, 2010

ScanMan EXE by TPPR10236 viewsHere we have a new Navi with the ability to scan in and copy the abilities of his opponents, even changing parts of his body to mimic those of his target.Jul 24, 2010
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