Last additions - TPPR10 |

Mega Man 3 Navis by TPPR10707 viewsNext up is the Navi group for MM3. Gemini Spark is subbing in since there was no GeminiMan.EXE, but there was no real suitable counterpart for Hard Man.Jul 24, 2010

Mega Man 4 Navis by TPPR10583 viewsHere we have the MM4 group of Navis, and hey, everyone had a counterpart!... even if Ring Man's was a gender bend.Jul 24, 2010

Mega Man 5 Navis by TPPR10592 viewsHere we have the MM5 group. This time, Wave Man and Crystal Man had to sit out. But we do get DarkMan.EXE in on this one.Jul 24, 2010

Mega Man 6 Navis by TPPR10613 viewsThis time around, it's the MM6 group. With no Centaur Man Navi, it seems someone else was substituted... I must admit, I forget who though. I have a horrible short term memory, and didn't play the game this character was in in the first place...Jul 24, 2010

Mega Man 1 Navis by TPPR10576 viewsHere we have an interesting arrangement, the Mega Man 1 stage select, but with the Robot Masters replaced by their Navi counterparts! Poor Cut Man, the only one of the original six RMs to not have his Navi counterpart in the first game.Jul 24, 2010

Mega Man 2 Navis by TPPR10626 viewsHere we have the Navi select for MM2. Unfortunately, with no CrashMan.EXE, that space had to remain blank.Jul 24, 2010

Aqua Man is Screwed by TPPR10354 viewsNow here's a chance of showers I can enjoy...Jul 24, 2010

X EXE by TPPR10217 viewsHmm... With a look like that, hopefully he's at least cooler than the real X...Jul 17, 2010

SheepMan EXE by TPPR10222 viewsA new interpretation of a Navi form for Sheep Man. It seems having a shepherd's crook is fairly common for these.Jul 17, 2010

Shiny Quick Man by TPPR10270 viewsAh, the age old question... Love of shinies or fear of spazzes... which will win out?Jul 17, 2010

Quick Man is Screwed 2 by TPPR10330 viewsYou know... there's just no kill like overkill... I approve of this method for dealing with Quick Man...Jul 17, 2010

Reaper Woman by TPPR10195 viewsHere we have a Robot Master based on Touhou's Komachi.Jul 17, 2010
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