Last additions - TPPR10 |

Burner vs Burner by TPPR10306 viewsNever let two pyromaniacs fight for supremecy. The surroundings will suffer.Jul 10, 2010

Fake Man is Screwed by TPPR10318 viewsI don't think Fake Man ever thought he'd be stuck on traffic duty. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.Jul 10, 2010

Gem, Ini, and Gemini EXE by TPPR10234 viewsHere we have a Navi counterpart for Gemini Man, who can split into two. Evidently, he's stronger while merged.Jul 10, 2010

Slash Man is Screwed by TPPR10339 views......Or not. It seems there's a nasty case of mistaken identity here, and twice over!Jul 03, 2010

Slash Man got Screwed by TPPR10346 viewsThought you got out of that one? Seems the case of mistaken identity didn't quite work out in your favor.Jul 03, 2010

QuickMan EXE is Frozen by TPPR10451 viewsFreezeMan... next time could you freeze QuickMan somewhere where he won't be in the way?Jul 03, 2010

Needle Man is Screwed by TPPR10369 viewsLet's see what happens if we give you too many targets to shoot at...Jul 03, 2010

PlotAura Battle Chip by TPPR10332 viewsAh yes, I forgot about MMBN3 having a fight against Bass you simply cannot win. Freaking plot aura!Jul 03, 2010

Quick Man is Screwed by TPPR10510 viewsThat's what you get for being such a spaz! Let's see you quick your way out of this one!Jul 03, 2010

Bright Man is Screwed by TPPR10480 views...Best to not look, Bright Man. It will all be over soon enough.Jul 03, 2010

Bass EXE is Screwed by TPPR10584 viewsWith a setup like that, somehow I doubt even the mighty Bass will stand for long.Jul 03, 2010
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