Last additions - TPPR10 |

Ceiling Wily by TPPR10262 views...So what's creepier than having Flash Man looking in on you? I think this qualifies...Sep 11, 2010

Air Man's Secret Weakness by TPPR10272 viewsIt's amazing how much easier some bosses become if you don't care about taking damage. KAMIKAZE!!!Sep 11, 2010

ShardMan EXE by TPPR10190 viewsHere we have a new Navi, ShardMan. I'd imagine him to have lots of spread attacks, as if glass was shattering.Sep 04, 2010

Shuriken Kid by TPPR10160 viewsPerhaps this guy hangs out with Shadow Man and Kunoichi Woman?Sep 04, 2010

Close Call by TPPR10260 viewsMM2 is weird about this. The same thing can be seen with Shagg fighting Pico Pico Master on his MM2 run with Kit.Sep 04, 2010

Orbital Man by TPPR10157 viewsThis seems like an interesting design, a satellite based Robot Master.Sep 04, 2010

Phoenix Man by TPPR10147 viewsTemptation to scream OBJECTION! aside, I do wonder if such a Robot Master might ever appear.Sep 04, 2010

KakigoriWoman EXE by TPPR10164 viewsEvidently, kakigori is a Japanese dessert. But is she sweet or sour?Sep 04, 2010

Kunoichi Woman by TPPR10147 viewsA new Robot Master design based on female ninjas. I'd imagine she would thus be quite an agile and elusive foe.Sep 04, 2010

Doc Robot Warning by TPPR10219 viewsI'm sure lots of gamers had a NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO reaction to seeing the revival of Quick Man... ^_^;Sep 04, 2010

Don't Move by TPPR10248 viewsThat many Gemini Men... that could be a problem o.o;Sep 04, 2010

Driller Woman by TPPR10151 viewsA sharp new Robot Master design, Driller Woman! She looks like she might be tricky.Sep 04, 2010
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