Last additions - Solarblast5 |

Don't Feed the Trolls by Solarblast5265 viewsIt's never a good idea to feed the trolls, on or off the net.May 29, 2011

Meet the Director by Solarblast5293 viewsThis explains everything! Suddenly it all makes sense!... I need another agent. Pikachu is great, handles things well for me, but what's the closest thing in Pokemon to stopping time? Please forward all applications and resumes to Dragonsoft Studios. On another note, if only that were true, Mega Man 11 in five months... I'd be a happy dragon.May 14, 2011

Blue Slime by Solarblast5183 views...If they are ripping off Dragon Quest, they're doing a poor job of it. The DQ slimes are adorable. The drops are..... decidedly less adorable.Feb 19, 2011

Rabbit Season by Solarblast5210 viewsHmm.... Perhaps I should hope Reisen hasn't been watching my Secret of Mana vids...Jan 22, 2011

Life at Wily's Pt 1 by Solarblast5249 viewsI suppose that would be a bit of a problem for Cut Man. Perhaps he's the exception to the rule and it's okay for him to run and carry.Jan 22, 2011

A Met with Problems by Solarblast5210 views......I fear for this Met's sanity...Jan 22, 2011

Bullet Storm by Solarblast5253 viewsGiven Bass' rapid fire and the general state of things in Gensokyo, methinks Mega Man is right.Jan 22, 2011

DERP by Solarblast5206 viewsI think everyone has experienced this at one time or another. You make a post, you think you proofread it perfectly, and then, after it's already posted and out of your hands, you notice the mistake and are left with the feeling of DERP!Jan 15, 2011

You Did Want to Try It by Solarblast5216 views...I'm amused by the idea of being able to destroy an entire building with a plank rampage...Nov 27, 2010

Swordys Revenge by Solarblast5182 viewsIt seems Swordys might not take well to deletion. These ones are back for some brutal, Muramasa-y REVENGE!!Nov 20, 2010

RAMPAGE by Solarblast5180 viewsI don't know how well smacking a building with a plank would go, but hey, I don't see a problem with giving it a shot.Nov 20, 2010

Drill Bombers by Solarblast5180 viewsA new type of virus for the Battle Network games. It rather looks like these would fit right in.Nov 20, 2010