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MMPU Outtakes : Boss Rush595 viewsDr. Wily, you might want to tighten that thing...Jul 22, 2016

MMPU Outtakes : Time Man537 viewsYou really have to be careful playing around with time like that...Jul 22, 2016

MMPU Outtakes : Oil Man475 viewsFire, spikes, and uncontrollable momentum. This seems like a bad mixture.Jul 22, 2016

MMPU Outtakes : Elec Man444 viewsStrike a pose... with lightning...?Jul 22, 2016

MMPU Outtakes : Fire Man424 viewsFear the Peng Uprising!Jul 22, 2016

MMPU Outtakes : Ice Man452 viewsHmm, I think this is the wrong game starring someone in a blue parka in an icy setting...Jul 22, 2016

MMPU Outtakes : Bomb Man431 viewsSure, explosives are fun, but you have to be a bit more careful...Jul 22, 2016

MMPU Outtakes : Guts Man436 viewsThankfully I don't think you can quite trap yourself THAT badly...Jul 22, 2016

MMPU Outtakes : Cut Man376 viewsInspired by a scene from the Ruby Spears cartoon.Jul 22, 2016

MMPU Outtakes : Mega Man389 viewsA little off on the timing, that's all it takes...Jul 22, 2016

The Devil's Offering501 viewsSo this came about after a video from Pink's Super Mario Sunshine LP, in which it was decided that Satan designed the long Yoshi-based boat ride segment. And as anyone who has seen our Jackbox trivia streams knows, Satan stays in the overhead compartment. This... may be the in-joke-iest thing I've ever drawn, haha.Mar 10, 2016

Einstein's Pro Calculator Xtreme 2396 viewsI... kinda forget how this one came about actually, just that it was a request from others in the group XDFeb 16, 2016
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