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The Midnight Waterer What Waters at Midnight412 viewsSo Kit was playing on the Dream World. There are still issues with the dream pals thing, but he did start just randomly visiting people that showed up on his dream map. And then he realized you got extra points for watering other people's berries. And so he became the MIDNIGHT WATERER WHAT WATERS AT MIDNIGHT! Gardens everywhere live in fear!Apr 16, 2011

Jooooin Ussssss510 viewsSo the pony boom has spread pretty swiftly on the forums. It's a scary thing, really. Of our group, I'm the last survivor of the Ponyenza Virus.... I'm scared.Apr 12, 2011

Motilda384 viewsThis one was quite a challenge. Shagg wanted a morphic version of one of his Pokemon... a female Cofagrigus o.o;; Trying to figure this one out was a thing. At least a bit of a personality developed as the joke phrase "sassy coffin girl" came about from this.Apr 12, 2011

Mecanature371 viewsHere we have a morphic version of Kit's Ferrothorn, Mecanature. This one was a bit tricky to envision, a robotic knight with a flail representing his tendrils, and a shield representing his disc form. And spikes, lots and lots of pynty spikes.Apr 11, 2011

Ringo373 viewsKit wanted me to draw some of his Pokemon in morphic form as well, so here's his Victini, Ringo. The energy spheres represent his four moves, charged with the power of Fighting, Fire, Psychic, and Electric.Apr 08, 2011

It's All Their Fault493 viewsWHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?!Apr 06, 2011

8 Bit Death Team499 viewsA request from Shagg, he wanted our group dressed in the costumes of their most frequently used classes in 8 Bit Death Match. My being there... kind of just wishful thinking, that, but yeah, I'd probably mostly play as Crystal Man, he sounds fun. Maybe one day if I get a better connection.Apr 03, 2011

Zat So419 viewsHe lies in wait for prey, remaining a motionless trap. He grins as he fires electricity into his target. Stunfisk is the troll Pokemon. And Shagg loves him. Thus he trained one named Zat So. Tee hee.Mar 29, 2011

TRON Pink409 viewsPink described to me the process of formatting her computer. Getting it up and running again involved a rather frantic sounding process where she was operating two computer mice at the same time. I couldn't help but imagine some sort of TRON situation.Mar 25, 2011

Motherly Instinct468 views......Skype calls can prove quite silly sometimes.Mar 18, 2011

Classy Lady Zoroark421 viewsShagg evidently has been using his Zoroark for Pokemon Musicals. He dresses her as a classy lady, and wanted my interpretation of this.Mar 18, 2011

The Cornered Champion440 viewsPoor Cynthia... She can never remember the last time she was cornered. Maybe she's supressing bad memories...Mar 18, 2011
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