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Abduction Hours513 viewsThere tends to be a period at night during Skype chats where Chompie keeps getting interrupted. This has come to be known as her "abduction hours..."May 15, 2012

Suddenly MOLE496 viewsDuring a recent Worms match, Kit had an odd occurance, in which a Mole suddenly launched from him without warning while he was on a parachute. YEAH MOLE!May 04, 2012

PinkMousieRose461 viewsDue to her current living situation, Pink doesn't have as much privacy as she'd like. Thus, she has to be quiet on Skype. This has been dubbed "mouse mode."May 04, 2012

Meteos Trio420 viewsSo recently, I had some extra XBLA points. I then found a Meteos game on there. I love that game. And then I managed to get Kit and Shagg interested enough to get it too.Apr 23, 2012

Einstein's Pro Calculator Xtreme 2442 viewsSo in Worms, Chompie has a team called Vision Squad, where all the worms are named after eye-based enemies from games. Except for one named Eyenstein... that always seems to be able to calculate just the right way to escape death. And so a silly phrase gave birth to a silly concept...Apr 16, 2012

Mousiefox Adventures431 viewsSo Kit started playing Eden Eternal. His character is a mouse named Sophiekins. I suspect it's all a conspiracy to coerce me to draw cute things. Who am I to disappoint?Apr 08, 2012

Ezrael Yoshi427 viewsSo what happens when you combine League of Legends with Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door? Apparently a pretty boy Yoshi turns into a stereotypical JRPG hero... You'd have to ask Pink, this hails from one of her broadcasts.Apr 07, 2012

Shagg is Outrageous504 viewsTruly, truly outrageous. League of Legends, for those not in the know.Mar 08, 2012

Ears Are Tasty493 viewsSo one of my characters is a bunny by the name of Susie. In the fact that I cannot resist cute, I imagined her having larger ears that stayed that way as she grew, so she would have the habit of nibbling on one of her ears when nervous or such.Feb 26, 2012

DJ Heart437 viewsThis is DJ Heart, a character of Shagg's design. She uses healing power in her music, and looks pretty awesome.Feb 26, 2012

Shagg Time554 viewsSo yeah, this pretty much sums up one of our most recent Worms matches...Feb 26, 2012

Supersized447 viewsAnd then Shagg had a dream in which there was a chinchilla bigger than his corgi.Feb 19, 2012
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