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Ryuker'd smaller390 viewsJust a smaller version of the previous image for forum upload purposes.Sep 10, 2011

Ryuker'd420 viewsWhen playing Phantasy Star Online, if Pink leaves you a Ryuker... you might want to exercise caution ^_^;Sep 10, 2011

FFFFFFFFFFFF487 viewsAn image sometimes used in my vids, a good go-to image of frustration or annoyance X)Sep 08, 2011

Fear the Rappy410 viewsWhile listening in on my friends playing PSO, one of Kit's characters had an incident with Rappies. Sure, they look adorable, but their critical rates are to be feared!Aug 30, 2011

GYONIKUUUUUUUUUUUUUU650 viewsThere are times I simply can't resist doing silly things in my vids. This was such an occsion. In announcing that I'd be doing the Dr. Gyoniku stages of Nezumiman, it was revealed that he had smeared my beloved computer with fish slime. The nerve! My thanks to Neo for the Dr. Gyoniku artwork... or at least the body, the troll face was added by me X) Neo also did the Nezumiman artwork on the computer monitor!Aug 27, 2011

Robo Shagg433 viewsWhen participating in Skype calls, Shagg's connection can seriously distort his voice at times. This has taken to being called "Robo Shagg."Aug 13, 2011

Why We Aren't Global Mods545 viewsSo sometimes the subject is raised of if Kit, Shagg, and myself were global mods over at the forums... Somehow I don't think it would work out very well ^_^;Jul 17, 2011

Dead Rising 2 is Weird Yo461 viewsOkay, so in Dead Rising 2, there's a mission that involves taming a berserk tiger... Once tamed, it joins you as a survivor. And if that's not silly enough?.... YOU CAN GIVE IT TO CHUCK'S DAUGHTER AS A PRESENT. This was quite silly.Jul 12, 2011

PONY PUNCH494 viewsSo for those not in the know, there's an F-Zero anime, which involves a super over-the-top Falcon Punch scene at the end. And thus, Kit wanted a Pony version.Jul 05, 2011

Practicing Medicine490 viewsSo Shagg has gotten into Team Fortress 2 lately, and has seemingly found his niche as the Medic. He was quite obsessive about crafting the Solemn Vow, which led to some rather awkward requests and conversations....... just sayin'...... yep.Jul 03, 2011

A Ridiculous Battle496 viewsI don't really know much about Paper Mario, but while Pink was playing it on her broadcasts... well... she beat "The Master" in a rather silly way.Jul 02, 2011

Pink-a-boo520 viewsDuring Pink's broadcast of Paper Mario, there was some debate over her insistance at hanging onto the Peek-a-boo badge. And then Kit, who was giving the most arguments against using it, called it Pink-a-boo. I had to draw it.Jun 25, 2011
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