Last additions - DarknessMan |

Jack Skullington by Darkness Man244 viewsSomehow, that actually looks very cool, even if a little intimidating XD Naturally, this is Skull Man as Jack Skellington. Or vice versa.Jun 04, 2011

The Sheep Man by Darkness Man223 viewsA bit complicated, this one. Evidently this references something called The Sheep Man, in which a gambler wins a flock of sheep in a bet.Jun 04, 2011

Mr Ice by Darkness Man248 viewsAh, Mr. Freeze... Say what you will, but I enjoyed that movie ^_^; I like a more comedic Batman, there's just already too much angst around.May 29, 2011

Pin Man by Darkness Man268 views...Yeah, that's pretty much how it felt. I swear I didn't touch that bloody puzzle box, leave me alone!May 21, 2011

Sweet Centaur Man by Darkness Man237 viewsThere's been some gender confusion with Centaur Man, thanks to the manga ::koffNOTCANON:: portraying Centaur Man as actually a female robot disguising herself as male. What if the opposite were true? Well then I guess we have the Robot Horror Picture Show.Apr 23, 2011

Sentry Met by DarknessMan202 viewsA Met with a super fluffy hat? Adorable!Jan 29, 2011

Splash Ariel by DarknessMan194 viewsWell, the parallels are indeed obvious, especially with Splash Woman's singing.Jan 29, 2011

Batt Credit Card by DarknessMan214 viewsNever leave Santa Destroy without it. Though from what I've heard about Jasper Batt Jr., perhaps it's only good for cheap purchases.Jan 29, 2011

Black Knight Man by DarknessMan210 viewsTch..... 'tsonly a flesh wound! Come back 'ere! I'll bite ya bloody legs off!!! Ah, the Black Knight. Always a classic.Jan 29, 2011

First Aid Met by DarknessMan198 viewsThe look of the average Met does lend itself rather well to this. Just the thought of a bunch of these hopping out of an ambulance... it's almost worth getting injured!Jan 29, 2011

Slash Wolverine by DarknessMan239 viewsPutting Slash Man in the movies does seem to give a rather obvious role. Slash Wolverine also sounds like a good Maverick name. Hmm... Anyone else disappointed that the X-Men in the movies never really wore outfits that looked like their actual comic counterparts? The all-black Matrix collection just seemed boring to me.Jan 22, 2011

Mysteron Met by DarknessMan205 viewsHere again, I'm afraid a reference has been hit upon that I don't really know anything about. Quite a colorful logo though!Jan 22, 2011