Last additions - zacexe3 |

Needle Man by zacexe3197 viewsNeedle Man always was a pain to deal with. Being able to strike quickly from a distance seems to fit him well.Dec 19, 2010

NeedleMan EXE by zacexe3219 viewsAh, NeedleMan.EXE. If nothing else, I loved his crazy laugh. SHYAAAAAAAAAA SHYA SHYA SHYA SHYA SHYEAAH!!Dec 19, 2010

Judgment of the Dead by zacexe3183 viewsThis ritual card will summon Shikieiki Yamaxanadu to the field. If done with just the right cards, it can have even more effects.Dec 18, 2010

Komachi Onozuka by zacexe3183 viewsIt's nice to see, judging from her card's effect, that Komachi will take her job seriously while in play ^_^;Dec 18, 2010

Navi Conversion by zacexe3184 viewsHere we have a rather interesting spell card, almost a ritual card of sorts. With this card, a Robot Master can be exchanged for the corresponding Navi.Dec 18, 2010

Hakurouken and Roukanken by zacexe3207 viewsAn equip card for Youmu, this will give her additional attack and defense. Fear the sharp blades... especially with the speeds she can reach.Dec 18, 2010

Higan by zacexe3171 viewsAs the effect was explained by the creator, while waiting for Shikieiki's judgment, the souls of the dead have nothing really to do but wait around. Thus, this card renders them inactive.Dec 18, 2010

Elec Man by zacexe3203 viewsPoor Elec Man... Don't worry, you're still an honorary nightmare, being the first ever chosen. And you were worth finding a Revenge strategy, so that has to count for something.Dec 18, 2010

ElecMan EXE by zacexe3175 viewsI always did love ElecMan.EXE's design. He was always one of my favorite Navis. Getting him as an ally in MMBN6 was a nice surprise for me.Dec 18, 2010

Burner Man by zacexe3204 viewsIt's weird to think I probably find the always feared Burner Man the most fun nightmare boss to go against. Something about him just makes him seem fun to fight.Dec 18, 2010

BurnerMan EXE by zacexe3208 viewsAh, BurnerMan.EXE, one of the few nightmare bosses to remain truly threatening in Navi form. BurnerMan.EXE turns into quite a hectic fight.Dec 18, 2010

BrightMan EXE by zacexe3187 viewsI liked BrightMan.EXE for some reason. He was a rather stylish Navi, and I always kind of wished he would have appeared again.Dec 18, 2010