Last additions - KevROB948 |

Rush by KevROB948244 viewsRush, stop trying to be seductive! It's not working!Nov 27, 2010

Back to Square One by KevROB948268 viewsAh, perhaps the most iconic message in all of video gaming.Nov 27, 2010

Slash Man by KevROB948235 viewsSlash Man has a pretty cool design. He also has probably one of my favorite songs from MM7. A shame he's such a blasted spaz.Nov 27, 2010

Charizard by KevROB948211 viewsAh, Charizard, the first starter I ever trained. I always did like him. A shame he's so deathly allergic to Stealth Rock... freaking broken move...Nov 27, 2010

Mega Man Volnutt by KevROB948219 viewsI admittedly never really got into the Legends series. It just didn't feel like Mega Man to me at all.Nov 27, 2010

Mega Buster by KevROB948235 viewsSometimes, you just can't beat old fashioned plasma power.Nov 27, 2010

Sir Arthur by KevROB948226 viewsAh, Ghosts 'n Goblins... As a young child, I completely beat this game... sitting in a dark room with a small TV hooked up to the NES.... playing the whole thing through two times..... The headache was massive, but so was the sense of accomplishment.Nov 27, 2010

Flash Man by KevROB948241 viewsThe effect of this card seems interesting, and rather fitting for Flash Man.Nov 27, 2010

Relicanth by KevROB948212 viewsSay what you will, I still really like Relicanth. Probably because I really like coelocanth in real life. In Animal Crossing, I always kept a coelocanth in my house.Nov 27, 2010

Wood Man by KevROB948236 viewsOne does have to wonder what Wily was thinking when he made an all-wood Robot Master in the same group where he made Heat Man... Heck, even Metal Man...Nov 27, 2010

Mega Nightmare Fuel by KevROB948272 views................AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH. That is all.Nov 27, 2010

VineMan EXE by KevROB948217 viewsRather coincidentally, it seems KevROB sent in a pair of V titled characters! Here we have VineMan.EXE.Nov 20, 2010