Last additions - KevROB948 |

Venom Man by KevROB948202 viewsLast night, in a fit of insomniatic boredom, I pondered what letters of the alphabet didn't have a Robot Master. Not counting Stardroids, V was one of them. So hey, looks like we have a possibility!Nov 20, 2010

Bidoof by KevROB948220 viewsBidoof makes me laugh for many reasons. One is Pink's GOLDoof, a horribly statted shiny Bidoof she uses any time she and a friend just want to trade items back and forth or such. Another is the fact that we now have a running gag of, when a Pokemon's health is critical and the warning bell starts, we claim it's saying "Bidoof! Bidoof! Bidoof!"Nov 13, 2010

Bubblen by KevROB948209 viewsAwwwh, man Bubblen is cute... I always did love Bubble Bobble...Nov 06, 2010

Travis Touchdown Card by KevROB948220 viewsWhatever you do, don't get on Travis' bad side. That's pretty much all you need to know.Oct 30, 2010

Bubble Man Card by KevROB948241 viewsFun fact : the name of this file was "bubblin," and for a minute I actually thought it would be something relating to the bubble dragon from Bubble Bobble.Oct 30, 2010

Dragon Head by KevROB948207 views...You know, if I had the materials, I would make a Pyramid Head helmet just for laughs...Oct 23, 2010

Ice Man by KevROB948216 viewsQuite a stylish Ice Man, that ^_^Oct 17, 2010

Hot Skitty on Wailord Action by KevROB948277 viewsYes, Skitty and Wailord are in the same breeding group... The less thought about that, the better....Oct 09, 2010

ORIGINAL Met by KevROB948230 viewsIt's red! Instead of orange! Totally original!Oct 02, 2010

Layton Met by KevROB948195 viewsI've never played any of the Layton games, but there's no denying that is one stylish hat.Sep 25, 2010

Quick Man Trainer Card by KevROB948284 viewsIf I only had the TM Trick Room, it would make it so much easier to beat this trainer...Sep 20, 2010

Fun Fact by KevROB948201 viewsThere are some coincidences in voice acting that are just.... really weird to envision.Sep 20, 2010