Last additions - KevROB948 |

Trolls Must Die by KevROB948289 views...Yes, yes they must. Trolls are always annoying, and one thing that will quickly get someone blocked from my channel.May 29, 2010

You Should Have Expected This by KevROB948261 views...In fact, I DID expect it, and am actually surprised it's only been referenced twice by the time of uploading this ^_^;May 29, 2010

Spy Man by KevROB948201 viewsI have to wonder if Spy Man would be weak to his own weapon somehow... Spy Vs. Spy?May 29, 2010

Stylish Met by KevROB948201 viewsThis Met feels it's important to always look your best. With a styling top hat, it can't go wrong!May 29, 2010

Scorch Man by KevROB948206 viewsScorch Man is an original design, and quite a heated looking one at that!May 29, 2010

Rocket Man by KevROB948204 viewsHere is an original design of KevROB948's, Rocket Man. I'm not quite sure where his face is though, or if he even has one.May 29, 2010

RocketMan EXE by KevROB948192 viewsHere we have a Navi rendition of KevROB948's own Robot Master, Rocket Man.May 29, 2010

Pikachu Met by KevROB948190 viewsHere we have the Pikachu Met. It's quite adorable, but one does have to learn to watch for Thundershocks...May 29, 2010

Meteor Man by KevROB948189 viewsI'm rather surprised this particular theme hasn't been used for a Robot Master thus far o.o;May 29, 2010

JesterMan EXE by KevROB948209 viewsHere we have a Navi design for KevROB948's Jester Man. Poor Clown Man, he'll never get a Navi counterpart XDMay 29, 2010

Jester Man by KevROB948196 viewsHmm, a juggling Robot Master? That sounds like it could be quite a fun battle, lots to keep an eye on.May 29, 2010

Katana Man by KevROB948194 viewsI'm always open to more sword and blade type Robot Masters. I think KevROB948 stated however that he was beaten to the punch on this one, as this Master was originally called Blade Man prior to MM10.May 29, 2010