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Burner Man by Jon Causith29 viewsHere we have an action shot of Burner Man, who turned out to have Jon's favorite visual design from MM&B. Also Lolo showing that he's skilled with using Ice Wall. I guess he would be at that!Jun 01, 2021

Avatar by Aneesh172949 viewsAdmittedly, I never really got into Avatar, but hey, I at least recognize the reference.Jun 01, 2021

Amaterasu by Aneesh172938 viewsWhile I haven't played Okami on the channel, it is something I would definitely consider. Especially having the Switch version now, that would make things a lot easier for such a project, and I very much loved the game. Once again though, this was drawn in a graphing program. Here's a link to the equations used for those curious : 01, 2021

EdgarWare.EXE by ZeldaTheSwordsman33 viewsYouTube's recommended list has been throwing a lot of Homestar Runner stuff at me lately, which I'm totally okay with. This being sent in was thus an amusing coincidence, Strong Bad's antivirus program, EdgarWare, as a Net Navi. Drop a train on 'em!Jun 01, 2021

The Boy and His Blob Say Hi to Commander Keen and His Spot by Jon Causith56 viewsQuite a nostalgia trip here from two games I loved as a kid, A Boy and His Blob and Commander Keen!Apr 30, 2021

SMB2 - World 6-2 by Jon Causith50 viewsEvidently 6-2 is where the "no save states" rule on Jon's run came to an end, as having to dodge things while going on a marathon Albatoss ride can be a bit of a thing.Apr 30, 2021

SMB2 Sketch Page by Jon Causith47 viewsJon recently attempted a no save states run of Super Mario Bros 2. This was one of my favorites growing up, I always wanted a more solid SMB2 mode in Mario Maker than what we got.Apr 30, 2021

Closing Thoughts on Superstar Saga by Jon Causith44 viewsJon recently did a stream going through the remake of Superstar Saga. Sounds like he had a fun time with it!Apr 30, 2021

Mega Man Sketch Prompt by Jon Causith38 viewsThe results of a sketch prompt in which Jon was tasked with drawing a few Robot Masters, plus the Break Man fight in Hard Man's stage.Apr 30, 2021

Adventures of Lolo by Jon Causith43 viewsBetween Alma freaking out from being pushed onto a flower bed and Rocky having a newfound fear of eggs, Lolo seems to think the proper solution is to just sneak away quickly.Apr 30, 2021

Bounce Time by Jon Causith42 viewsBounce Man just has such a cheery personality, it's hard not to like him.Apr 30, 2021

Bulbasaur by aneesh172943 viewsAnother graph drawing from equations, here we have Bulbasaur! Admittedly Bulbasaur was usually my last choice when doing Kanto runs back in the day, but I still really like that line. And here's the link to the equations for those curious : 30, 2021
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